ICSOC 2012
10th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing
November 12-15, Shanghai, China

The 1st International Workshop on Self-Managing Pervasive Service Systems (SeMaPS 2012)

Workshop Website


Workshop Summary:

There is a growing trend for the convergence of different computing paradigms, such as cloud computing, pervasive and mobile computing, and service-oriented computing. The applications of Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Services (IoS), Internet of People (IoP) at a large scale are gaining increasing attention in the converged computing world with unprecedented complexities as a result: the management of applications becomes much more difficult due to large number of involved devices, events and contexts, due to the heterogeneity of networking, hardware and software; the shifting of storage and processing to cloud systems, and security and privacy concerns become more challenging. All in all, applications and systems tend to become more complex than before to manage and operate in the converged world. These challenges call for useful self-managing capabilities to alleviate existing problems.

The realization of self-managing pervasive service systems needs cross-discipline research, including pervasive and mobile computing, autonomic computing, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, software engineering, service oriented computing which are complementary with each other. SeMaPS 2012 will build a bridge between these related areas to foster discussions and collaborations among researchers and practitioners of these communities.